Autumn Photo Shoot – Larbert – Smith Family

Autumn Photo Shoot – Larbert – Smith Family


Family Photography on Location

 “No Spring nor Summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face” – John Donne

There is something special about the change of every season but none more so than Autumn (or Fall for our American cousins). What’s not to love about the colours, the light, falling leaves, snuggly jumpers and welly boots? Nothing!

A couple of Friday’s ago the light was perfect and I had scouted a location not far from the studio that would be perfect for the newly married Mr and Mrs Smith and their gorgeous son Finnley.


To be fair Finnley was the main focus of my attention, not because he looked to freakin’ adorable in his yellow rain mac, monster wellies, and bobble hat. But because he finds the joy in the simplest of pleasures. He was beyond excited to sit on a tree stump and have mummy and daddy throw leaves up in the air. Didn’t cost anything, didn’t require any real effort and he loved every minute of it.

JB Moments Photography

JB Moments Photography
Good genes run in the family.

Finnley also played a spot of hide and seek with me amongst the trees.

JB Moments Photography

Happiness isn’t at the end of the road. It’s under your feet.

I think David Young said that, anyway, it totally applies to young master Smith. If sitting on tree stumps and playing hide and seek wasn’t enough fun. Being swung by mummy and daddy even better. As was sitting in trees!

JB Moments Photography

JB Moments Photography
Look Dad, no hands!

This shoot and this boy reminds me to find the joy in the ordinary, the joy that is all around us every day, and that there are so many reasons to be happy. It also reminded me how much fun a location shoot can be and what a nice change it makes from the studio. Get in touch if you’d like to discuss a location shoot.

JB Moments Photography
If you’re not going to swing me anymore, I’m off to Grandmas!