Cake Smashes – A piece of cake?

Cake Smashes – A piece of cake?


Cake Smashes

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

Cake Smashes are a big deal across the pond and for those of you that don’t know what one is (where have you been?). Allow me to enlighten you. You take a child turning one, an elaborately frosted cake, a pretty studio set up and a photographer. And get super cute milestone pictures of your little angel destroying, eating and smearing said cake EVERYWHERE.

Okay, that’s what we want you to believe. But, come closer, closer still *whispers in your ear* I’m going to let you in on a little secret. They rarely go to plan. Allow me to illustrate with some behind the scenes footage of the above shoot.

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

The little one is usually overwhelmed by the cake. In-between takes parents have to cajole them into eating refined sugar and often have to smear on faces and bodies. Side note – If using chocolate cake please make sure the cake is in the shot, otherwise it can look like a dirty protest!!

I mean in this case, Dad (aka my little brother) definitely got something out of the shoot so it was all good. But all too often parents leave this type of shoot disheartened that their little one didn’t smash the cake up like everyone else’s did. Don’t feel bad mum and dad, very few kids do. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

I prefer Hole Foods

That’s right – doughnuts! My love of doughnuts is very well documented by now. But they are also great for these milestone sessions as well. Kids don’t seem as overwhelmed by a stack of doughnuts as they do a large cake. They are handily sized for little hands and if you stack them up, kids like nothing more than to knock them down.

So I mainly offer Doughnut Smashes.

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

Grace (shown above) made it onto Animoto’s International Doughnut Day slideshow with her one in each hand and one in the mouth pose 🙂

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

Arya combined unicorns and doughnuts for cuteness overload.

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

And Finnley proved that you can still enjoy a doughnut stack when you turn two!

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

Child photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography
Look, mum & dad! No hands!

So, when considering a fun milestone photoshoot for your little ones, don’t just stop at cake.

No doughnuts ever go to waste - I eat up all the leftovers ;-)