Delighting my customers is the best job satisfaction

Delighting my customers is the best job satisfaction




I’m going to level with you friend. I am a praise whore. There I’ve said it and know I feel better for being honest with you!

That said, I don’t like empty praise, I’ve got to feel like I’ve earned it 🙂

Following on from my previous blog about why I’m thankful for all the other photographers out there. I thought I should share a customer testimony showing that I do what I said I do!

Liam and Kerri’s wedding was the first wedding I booked where the couple were originally complete strangers to me. They booked me on the recommendation of a mutual acquaintance.(Who was incentivised to recommend me by the lure of Prosecco – told you this blog was full disclosure!).




Kerri and Liam were fantastic clients and their wedding day was perfect (you can see for yourself here). Their photos even made it into the Real Weddings Section of the January/February edition of Tie the Knot Scotland magazine. The gorgeous flower girls also made it onto their website.

Wedding Edinburgh Capital Hotel

Kerri and Liam were delighted with their gallery and Kerri gave me a glowing Facebook review (all 5 stars, woohoo). Job done, or so I thought…

Several weeks later I received the following letter through the post (yup in an actual envelope, delivered by the postie!). It was from Kerri’s Mum, Keran.

“Hi Jen, I just wanted to drop you a line to say a huge thank you to you for the beautiful wedding photos. You have created some stunning shots that take us back to the day each time we look at them. 

You’ve captured all the emotions, laughter and love perfectly. From the first email when we requested a meeting you could not have been any more accommodating and professional, any request we wanted was agreed or you suggested a better way to get the perfect photos for everyone. You really made an effort to get to know our family so that the final photos really reflected the wonderful wedding day and evening. All correspondence to you was promptly replied to which in itself was a real comfort when there is so much to organise.

We had complete trust and confidence in you and the pictures are the proof. Your after sales service has been second to none, the lovely presentation of the memory stick and the wonderful Christmas decoration cube you made for us with mini pictures of the wedding day was a truly wonderful touch.

Would we recommend you? No question simply fantastic. You were an absolute pleasure to work with.”

This still makes my heart sing when I read it now and it sits pride of place alongside all the ‘Thank You’ cards on my studio wall. I treated these customers exactly the same way I treat all my customers so for them to take time out to write a letter, buy a stamp and post it in a letterbox means the world to me.