Headshot Tips for LinkedIn

Headshot Tips for LinkedIn


Headshot Tips for LinkedIn

I take a lot of business headshots and recently have been taking part in an iniatitive with the University of Stirling Careers & Employability Team  to help get their student’s LinkedIn Headshots in tip top condition to attract all the best employers.

Here are my top three tips for your LinkedIn headshot.

Zoom In

Linked in isn’t a platform focused on sharing quality visuals. Generally, it’s about networking. It doesn’t have the ability to view, inspect, and enlarge photos like some of the other social media apps. This means that your profile photo is TEENY TINY. Even if you do happen to click on someones profile photo, it doesn’t really enlarge that much.

This is a picture of a business woman against dark background

Full body or three quarter images of you end up looking very small on your profile picture. Make sure that your image crops in as tight as possible to make sure that people can see your gorgeous face while they are scrolling.

Simple Works

There is a big difference between personal branding photos and a LinkedIn headshot.  If you are being featured on a website or in a magazine you might want to consider something with a great background or scene. Maybe a nice office or outside greenery would be ideal for that. By contrast, your LinkedIn profile photo is a tiny little hello to show off your face and expression. It’s hard to get that across if your head is two pixels wide and you are surrounded by the tools of your trade. So, stick to a solid, out of focus, or non-distracting background. Let your face be the star of the shot and don’t forget to zoom in!

This is a picture of a young man in a suit

Colour Pop

After 5+ years in the business, I can tell you,  the most popular background colour for a headshot is white.  Given that almost everyone has a white background, the best way to stand out is with a pop of color! So, catch the eye of people scrolling by your post with something extra by including a colorful background in your next headshot session.

This is a picture of a woman against a pink background

And here’s the good news: I can easily provide you with a colour background at any simple headshot with my extensive range of backdrop colours. Or even after the session with a little help from Photoshop.

In Summary

Make sure that your headshot is impactful, recognisable, and stands out from the crowd if you are really looking to brush up that LinkedIn profile.

Need an Updated Headshot?

Need to update your Linked Headshot? Get all the information you need including pricing and booking here.

This is a picture of a business man in front of background