JB Moments Photography Studio Is On the Move

JB Moments Photography Studio Is On the Move


JB Moments Photography Is On The Move

Way back in March this year (2023) I wrote a Blog called Is Bigger Always Better?  I stand by that blog and everything I wrote about keeping client costs low by not renting a studio. But, the eagle-eyed amongst you might have noticed I ended the Blog talking about a potential third way…

Around the time of that Blog Mr JB and I started a search for a new property. Now not to come over all Liam Neeson but this property needed a certain set of particular requirements. It needed two outbuildings that would be suitable for a photography studio for me and a large garage/workshop for Mr JB and his collection of motorbikes and cars. Or it needed enough land around it to build such outbuildings. If the house was nice too that was a bonus 😉

We bid on one potential property and lost out, we had an offer accepted on another property only for the sellers to change their minds.  By the summer we were pretty down about it and decided to have one last look at a few ‘potential’ properties and then call it a day until the new year.

Then at the end of June, we found it! The unicorn house. Even better they accepted our offer.


This is an image of a For Sale sign at JB Moments Photography house

I now realise why we haven’t moved in 22 years. Keeping the house show-ready with three dogs was a nightmare!

But less than a week after the sign went up…

This is an image of a Sold sign at JB Moments Photography house

WooHoo!!! Exciting times ahead.

We then got stuck in a chain for what seemed like forever but in reality, was around 4 months. At last, the chain was ended many links down by a first-time buyer! 

We now have a move-in date in December and are full steam ahead in packing up 20-odd years of stuff! 


So what about JB Moments Photography ?

Bookings will close at the home studio on the 31st of November (location shoots can still be booked). 

Then at some point in January, once I have fitted out the new studio. JB Moments Photography will reopen in its own 26ft long studio space in…beautiful Auchterader. I will be sharing more about the location and things to do in this fab villiage in the coming months but I can’t wait to be part of this bustling and thriving community.

My studio will have space for you to relax, have a cuppa, let the kids play and most importantly have no stairs to access. I can’t wait to see what we can create together in the new space 🙂

Watch out for progress updates on my socials and come along for the ride!