Paisley Registry Office – Nikki & Kris’ Wedding

Paisley Registry Office – Nikki & Kris’ Wedding


Paisley Registry Office – Nikki & Kris’ Wedding

This was the 2nd of my hatrick of weddings at the beginning of September and what a beautiful day it was for a wedding. It was also my first time at Paisley Registry Office. Thank goodness I always leave myself lots of extra time as it took me a while to find where to park! I was still there before the groom and his party but not before the brides gran who always likes to get there early – a women after my own heart!

Quite the Performance

Around 2013 Nikki and Kris were both performers travelling the same circuit. Nikki was a burlesque dancer and Kris was in a band. Kris claims that Nikki ignored him at first but then they became friends, then moved in together and then had their gorgeous son Harrison.

Kris planned to propose to Nikki at Christmastime on a night out to Glasgow by a big Christmas tree. But when they got to the spot the tree wasn’t there so there was a bit of an awkward silence and then he propsed!

Camera ShyAt their pre-consultation Kris had mentioned his mum hated getting her photo taken. She clearly loves her sons though so I made Kris and his brother give her a kiss. She forgot about the camera and beamed from ear to ear.

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Miss Amber her granddaughter and flower girl thought this was hilarious!

Sweet Ride

Nikki arrived in a stunning vintage car and looked absolutely stunning. “Like a Princess” said Harrison and I had to agree.

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Harrison was rocking his kilt and the Mother of the Bride’s outfit was gorgeous as well.

Let’s Do This!

Harrison and Amber looked so darn cute leading the procession down the aisle.

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Amber had a basket of confetti pouches that she diligently gave out to everyone. Harrison meanwhile kept a tight grip on the rings.

Nikki and Kris also wrote their own vows to one another which was a lovely touch. I am not going to lie, I felt something in my eye at that point!

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I wasn’t the only one. I spotted gran dabbing her eyes with a hanky as well.

Confetti Time

Rather than spill all the confetti outside the registry office we got the guests to cross the road to the conveniently located Paisley Abbey.

Nikki, Kris and Harrison went in style in the vintage car wit the roof down.

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Whilst we were there I had to capture the bride with her mum and gran. It’s not often you get to be lucky and have the three generations around on your wedding day.

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Strike a Pose

As the guests all headed off to the resturant, I followed the bride and groom to their lovely hotel, the Ashtree House Hotel.  Their gardens were perfect to set up some images in.

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With plenty of trees to hide behind.

I loved Nikki’s veil so I had to get the classic kiss under it.

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Love how emotive this is in black and white.

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I am under the veil in this image with Nikki and I love how it turned out. If you look closely you can see the diamante micky mouse pins in the flowers – just one of the many lovely little touches the couple had in this wedding.

Hell Yeah

Another one was the handpainted biker jacket that Nikki painted herself. It had loads of details personal to them on it. I tototally think she could start a business painting these for brides.

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I am an absolute sucker for leather and lace together so I spent a lot of time photographing  this!

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We were setting this up to be a super serious moody image and then just as I was about to click the shutter I saw Harrison combat rolling in from the side with a big stick. I now love it even more!

Then it was time to let the guys head off to meet their friends and family and celebrate the night away.

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Congratulations Mr & Mrs Nunn, you rock!