Studio or Location, Location, Location?

Studio or Location, Location, Location?


I love a location shot I really do.

Weddings are often all about the location. It is important to capture ‘the view’ if that is important to the Bride and Groom. Like a VERY windy Loch Morlich in Aviemore below.Wedding Photography - Loch Morlich

My most favourite way to capture families is on location. People often think that this is a risky strategy, being a photographer in Scotland. Given that we get two days of summer each year if we are really lucky! But who needs sun? Think how much fun you can have with umbrellas and splashing in puddles! Or what about snowball fights and making snow angels? Super cute. I tend to channel my inner Dolly Parton at this point…

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”

Love a bit of Dolly! I also love an autumnal shot, in fact if I’m being really honest, these may be my favourite. What’s not to love about the beautiful rich colour palette, crisp leaves, warm jumpers and blue skies? Kids seem to come alive playing in the late afternoon autumn sun and look all kinds of adorable in hats and scarves.

Family Photography Child/Toddler - girl hiding in autumn leaves

So we’ve established location shoots are good fun and can create beautiful images, does the mean I don’t need a studio? Heck no!

When setting up my Photography business a studio was a must – okay, it started life as a spare bedroom in my house but now it is a beautiful bijou studio that I LOVE 🙂

A studio is a necessity in my eyes for newborn pictures. It is a safe environment where I can control all the elements like the temperature to ensure the baby stays safe and comfortable. Sure, you can take newborn pictures (and I have) in the clients home but coming to the studio means they don’t have to clean up and try an find a space that has good light and isn’t completely covered in new baby paraphernalia. It means they can take an, often much needed, break for a short while. Sweet!

Unless I am going into a Corporate office, professional portraits also look better in the studio. I find people get themselves into the right ‘business’ frame of mind in the studio rather then in their home.

Studio Professional Headshot


But my number one reason for having a studio space is to get MESSY!!! Yup, Doughnut Smashes, Cake Smashes, you name it I’m up for it…the beauty of continuous background paper in the studio is just that…it’s continuous! You make a mess on it, you cut it off and roll a bit more out – genius! How many parents reading this wish their walls had this function?? Making a ‘controlled’ mess in my studio is much better than the mess your one year old will make in your house. My brother can totally testify for this as, due to their location, I had to shot my nephew’s cake smash in my brother’s brand new home. I’m hoping to be back in his good books by Christmas, year to be confirmed!

There you have it…locations rock but so do studio sessions. There is a time and a place for both. Thank goodness!

Family Photography - one year old doughnut smash