Studio Portrait Session – Hazel, Cameron & Maisie

Studio Portrait Session – Hazel, Cameron & Maisie


Child Photography

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” – Edward Steichen

When Emma and Andy brought their three children: Hazel (3); Cameron (21 months) and Maisie (2 months) into the studio I had three initial thoughts.

Child photos by JB Moments Photography

  1. Emma and Andy make beautiful children.
  2. Man, three kids that close together in ages must be hard work!
  3. Emma and Andy deserve a medal for getting all three of them to the studio on time, well behaved, squeaky clean and with three costume changes (as well as looking pretty glam themselves).

A budding portrait photographer in the making

Hazel was immediately drawn to the toy camera in my toy-box and was fascinated by the whole portrait process.

Child photos by JB Moments Photography

She really enjoyed seeing the image on the back of the camera. To keep her engaged and interested I let her take a picture of her brother. So whilst mum and dad held their breath I handed over my expensive camera gear to a three year old…and she nailed it!

Child photos by JB Moments Photography

I mean the posing needs a little work, but I better watch my back! I thought it was important to include this image in the gallery so she could see the picture she created 🙂

All the young dudes

Not only was Cameron getting used to no longer being the baby of the family, having been relegated to middle child following the arrival of Maisie. He is going to have to come to terms with having not one but two sisters to deal with!!

Child photos by JB Moments Photography

He seemed to be taking it all in his stride. Looking super cool in his ripped jeans and fresh white trainers.

Oh baby, baby

Be still my heart, baby Maisie with her big eyes and cute giggles had me wrapped around her little fingers.

Child photos by JB Moments Photography

I just loved her little romper that toned perfectly with her big sisters dress and brothers shirt.

Costume Change

Now the sisters had matching dresses — too cute!

Child photos by JB Moments Photography

Although Maisie made her outfit her own by adding a cheeky headband.

Child photos by JB Moments Photography

Cameron was co-ordinated to perfection. Both he and Hazel found my tickle stick (aka telescopic feather duster) hilarious, especially when daddy was being tickled by mummy!

Put a label on it

These kids had been absolute angels and we were nearly at the end of the session so we were pushing our luck with a third costume change…But…the outfits were so worth it. Mum had organised these amazing sweatshirts and romper in pretty muted colours.

Maisie was being super chill but Hazel and Cameron were so over the session by now. Which is totally understandable for kids at this age. If it wasn’t for the outfits I would have called time on the session but I wanted that shot! So we did what all good parents and photographers do and bribed them with the promise of ice cream and the instant gratification of lollipops plucked fresh from my lollipop tree.

Child photos by JB Moments Photography

It couldn’t have been that traumatic for them because Hazel, bless her, wanted me to go with them for ice cream. Although I think it was probably so she could pick my brain and takeover my photography business!