Studio Session – The Abah Family

Studio Session – The Abah Family


“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.” George Santayana

I love a family session I really do, but, sometimes they can be a bit hard going. If the Dad isn’t really into it or the kids are playing up, that sort of thing. The Abah Family had none of those issues, they were UP FOR IT!! With a range of western dress and traditional Nigerian dress, the Abah’s and me PARTIED. And we partied hard – through six outfit changes and a whole variety of poses!

JB Moments Photography - Family photographer

Introducing yummy mummy Benita, dapper daddy Patrick, Big brother Kevin (6) and chatterbox Jason (3).

Visiting family from Nigeria had made them all sorts of traditional outfits and as the family had the photo shoot booked they decided to optimise them. I was so excited to see all the outfits and they were beautifully made with exquisite attention to detail.

JB Moments Photography - Family photographer

From formal white to bright colours Kevin and Jason didn’t mind getting dressed up in them and dad was on hand to make sure they had them on correctly. As well as ‘serious’ family poses – we had a bit of fun as well 🙂

JB Moments Photography - Children's Portraits
JB Moments Photography - Family photographer

By the end of session I was more than a little in love with both Kevin and Jason.
JB Moments Photography - Children's Portraits JB Moments Photography - Children's Portraits

I did ask if I could keep Jason but I think he would’ve missed his big brother too much!
JB Moments Photography - Children's Portraits

Seeing a family so in tune with one another and enjoying themselves filled my heart with so much joy. Best of all you can see it reflected in the pictures.