Studio Session – Alexander Mackenzie

Studio Session – Alexander Mackenzie


“It’s impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren’t feeling twinkly yourself” Ronald Dahl

Young Alexander must have been feeling the twinkliest little boy in all of Twinkle Town when he visited my studio on Saturday. He had the biggest bluest eyes you ever did see! Frank Sinatra would have definitely sung about Xander! For almost an hour despite three outfit changes, silly hats and countless sets he was happy,  content and super smiley 🙂

Alexander and his parents have lots to smile about. He is a super healthy bundle of gorgeousness now – but he was born 9-weeks premature, not getting out of hospital until his actual due date.

Although his mummy desperately wanted newborn pictures taken of him, she felt that he’d been through enough in his little life at that point and so she waited until now at eight months old (six corrected). I was honoured that she chose me to capture these precious moments and wanted to make the pictures extra special for them.

Alexander made it super easy for me. That boy does not take a bad picture!

His mum and grandad had been shopping especially for his photo shoot and had picked some adorable outfits for him to wear that totally went with the retro look sets I had organised for the session. I think the little sailor outfit was my absolute favourite though (if you made me pick, like with a gun to my head!).

Despite all the cute outfits we had to get those little chubby rolls out. It would have been rude not to and besides, mum and dad need something to embarrass him with when he turns eighteen.

Bottoms up!