Studio Session – Baby Elle

Studio Session – Baby Elle


When you hire me to photograph your new baby, you aren’t just hiring me to photograph your cute wee bundle of joy. You are procuring me to capture that moment when unconditional love took on a real, tangible meaning. The moment you fully transition from being in love to being a family.

Family photograph - JB Moments Photography

Gemma and Laurie had been looking to get baby Elle in for her first photo shoot. However, the Beast from the East conspired against us getting her in as early as we would have liked. Those squishy, sleepy, swaddled newborn shots (like baby Sophie recently) work best when baby is up to 14 days new. When beautiful Elle came in she was nearly 4 months new. So I got to play more creatively and create gorgeous images for her parents to treasure.

Baby photographer - JB Moments Photography

At almost 4 months Elle stayed awake for the entire session so I got to make the most of her amazing hazel eyes. At 4 months she has also learnt to smile so I made sure we captured lots of those. If only there was a ‘fly on the wall’ camera capturing what Gemma and Laurie were doing behind me to make Elle smile. I could start up a whole new sideline extortion business!!

Baby photographer - JB Moments Photography

There are a large range of outfits in the studio and it’s very rare when a little girl comes in for mum (or I, let’s be real) to pass up on the opportunity to play dress up with the tutus! I mean if I could fit into them I’d be prancing around in them all day 😀

Gemma and Laurie also bought outfits for Elle to wear. It was a great excuse to put her in some really cute summer outfits that she would be too big for when the summer eventually arrives (and by that I mean the one afternoon in August that we get in Scotland for Summer!).

Baby photographer - JB Moments Photography
Pretty in Pink

For Gemma and Laurie, I’ve hopefully captured their unconditional love for Elle. I got to play dress up with a beautiful happy baby girl. So, all in all, I’ll take that as a great day in the office 🙂