Studio Session – Baby Holly

Studio Session – Baby Holly


Studio Session – Baby Holly

“Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold

Baby photography by JB Moments Photography

Sleepy vibes

For once the sleepy baby gods were looking favourably on me! When Miss Holly arrived at the studio she was fast asleep and she decided to stay like that for a good portion of her session.

Family Photographer - JB Moments Photography

She was two weeks new the day she visited me and although she had arrived 3 weeks early she was a tiny bundle of absolute perfection.

Mum and Dad were totally smitten with her. And from the moment I held on to her, so was I. 🙂

Teddy Bear

Holly absolutely loved being swaddled nice and snug in the various wraps. She was so out of it that I was able to dress her up like a little teddy bear.

Baby photography by JB Moments Photography

Seriously though, how cute. Look at that beautiful little pout she has already perfected. Dad says she can already wind him around her little pinky. I suspect she will be able to all her life!

Pretty in Pink

I couldn’t have a little girl in the studio and not use some pink. Come on!

Baby photography by JB Moments Photography

I rarely get to do this pose with babies that have just drifted off or awake so I took full advantage of Miss Holly’s slumber.


She did wake up when her nappy needed changing and she wanted some more of the house white. I took the opportunity then to take her ‘mugshots’ (I really must come up with a nicer name for them! 😉 )

As well as the usual ones where she glared at me for keeping her awake I think! I asked mum and dad to hold a hand each and I love how it turned out.

Baby photography by JB Moments Photography
I wish my double chins looked as cute as this!!

She was very happy once she knew both of her parents were on hand (literally!).

At Mum’s request

Holly’s Mum had been on my website and loved the Calm Moon composite image that I have on there. She asked if I could recreate with Holly. Hell yes!

Baby photography by JB Moments Photography

As often happens, Holly’s session was over way too soon and I had to say goodbye to the little angel that stole my heart for the afternoon.