Studio Session – Baby Hugo

Studio Session – Baby Hugo


“You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.” – Wally Schirra

Baby photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

Baby Hugo was two weeks new when his parents brought him into my studio and it was love at first sight. Well for me anyway 🙂

Hugo slept his entire way through the session. Only stirring for the briefest period for a quick milk stop and nappy change. His parents had done an absolutely sterling job with my pre-shoot guide and as a result, I was able to provide them with a gallery of over double the number of pictures I quote for this type of session.

Baby photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

We started fairly traditionally with him swaddled. Just look at those kissable cheeks!

I had been wanting to use a vintage suitcase I had for ages. I had procured it on one of my many antique shop forages. With baby Hugo still fast asleep it was just a quick change of swaddling and he rocked the set like a total champ.

Baby photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

I couldn’t get enough of his pouty lips, so gorgeous.

Usually when I take the swaddle off the baby is when they wake up. So I approached the next set up with some small amount of trepidation. Not handsome Hugo though! He carried on sleeping like a total dreamboat

Baby photographer in Stirling - JB Moments Photography

As a result, we were able to get lots of gorgeous pictures with mum and dad as well.

The only downside of all this lovely sleepiness. No real cuddles for me. *sigh*