Studio Session – Baby Scott

Studio Session – Baby Scott


Baby Photography

Working with children and animals

Many say don’t do it, but I personally love the challenge of working with little people and furry friends. Mum Nicola got in touch to book a photoshoot for her new arrival and asked if his two year old sister Millie could be included as well his furry sister Kira.

I always make sure that animals are well trained before I let them anywhere near children in my studio. If I think there will be any risk at all I take the photos separately and composite them together in Photoshop in the editing process.

I didn’t have to worry about 11 year old Kira though. She was as good as gold and was just happy to sit wherever she was placed.

Millie, on the other hand was not into modelling for me at all on the day the family came in for the shoot.

But I was determined to get a shot of the three of them for mum.Family Photographer - JB Moments Photography

Is it my finest shot? No! But hopefully it will become one to treasure for the family.

Baby photographer - JB Moments Photography

I also managed to snag this one before she was up, off and exploring again.

Be still my heart

Dad, Josh took Kira and Millie out for a while to burn off some energy. I always suggest this in my prep guide when there are older siblings as I have lots of play parks close by.

That left me time with 3-week new baby Scott. Fast asleep and smelling delicious (yes I grabbed a sniff when I was swaddling him – sorry not sorry).

Newborn photographer - JB Moments Photography

Isn’t he just perfection?

Mum didn’t want an overly proppy or posed baby photoshoot so I kept the wraps and backgrounds nice and neutral.

Newborn photographer - JB Moments Photography

Even when baby Scott decided to wake up he was quite content to lay back and pull all manner of adorable poses at his mum and I.

Making me work for it.

Millie was super cute with blonde hair falling in natural ringlets and the roundest, bluest eyes I think I’ve ever seen. I desperately wanted to get some more photos of her as the camera loved her. When she came back from her walk I perservered.

Child photographer - JB Moments Photography

See what I mean? Face of an angel.

Kira the bodyguard.

After family photos it was a wrap. But as we lay Scott down to get everyone’s belongings collected Kira was immediately over to make sure he was okay.

Family photographer - JB Moments Photography

Again not technically perfect, but I couldn’t resist grabbing my camera and documenting the sweet moment.

Although I think she may have just been inhaling in that gorgeous newborn scent like I had!