Studio Session – Gregor’s Cake Smash

Studio Session – Gregor’s Cake Smash


Studio Session – Gregor’s Cake Smash

I can’t believe this session took place over two weeks ago in my studio and I’m only now just getting the chance to blog about it! Trust me, after 5 months not being able to do anything but twiddle my thumbs I am delighted to have the problem of being too busy shooting to write! But the world needs to see this cuteness 🙂

Cutest Mummy Ever

I first met Master Gregor at my Halloween Mini Sessions last year. It was his first Halloween and he was dressed up as a mummy. From the moment I saw his huge blue eyes and kissable cheeks I knew I was a gonner. A fully paid-up member of his fan club. Then he came back for a Christmas mini in a matching Xmas jumper with mum and dad and…be still my heart!

You can imagine how over the moon I was therefore when his mum got in touch during lockdown to book a Cake Smash n Splash for his first birthday. Not only would I get my cuteness fix again but during the bleak lockdown months to know people still wanted to book my services made my heart sing.

A Wee Bit Late

Okay, okay, by the time lockdown actually finished I’d missed Gregor’s birthday by about 2 months but what’s a few months between friends?

Fun child photography by JB Moments Photography

We made sure to capture all the hats and outfits that Gregor had for his birthday.

Fun child photography by JB Moments Photography

Before he could rip them off!

Cake Time

After a couple of outfit changes including some birthday PJ’s it was finally time to get down to his onesie and the serious business of cake smashing!

Fun child photography by JB Moments Photography

Gosh just look at those eyelashes, should be illegal!

At first Master Gregor was quite bemused by the cake and what to do with it. After a few delicate pickings and tastings, he got into the swing of things.Fun child photography by JB Moments Photography

With the help of the wooden spoon, his hand, and his feet Gregor soon started to make short work of the cake.

Cake Smash or Set Smash?

Fun child photography by JB Moments Photography

In fact, Gregor got so into the smashing he included the set as well. Totally worth cleaning hundreds and thousands out of wooden crates (they get everywhere!) when you get smiles like this. Have I mentioned how cute this little dude is?

Rubber Ducky

It was certainly a good way to put the new ‘wipe clean’ vinyl backdrop I had invested in during lockdown through its paces. It wiped spotless by the way for all those Mrs Hinches among you! It was also the first outing for the new tub backdrop I’d also invested in. After a few teething problems, getting it to stay up (now fixed with a cunning solution – thanks Mr JB) I was rather pleased with the effect.

Fun child photography by JB Moments Photography

Master Gregor also stopped eating the little rubber ducks long enough for me to capture the adorable bubble beard his mum has fashioned for him.

I’m not sure who enjoys these sessions more. The Parents? The kids? Or Me? Spoiler alert, it’s always me!

If my first week back was all Grow with Me sessions. My second was all about the Cake Smash so watch out for more blogs – including one with pugs!!