Studio Session – The Johnston Family

Studio Session – The Johnston Family


Family Photography

What do you get the glamorous mum for her birthday that already has it all…? A handsome husband, 4 gorgeous grown-up kids, a daughter-in-law (that is good at organising presents) and a brand new cute as a button two-month-old granddaughter. An updated family photoshoot, that’s what you get her!

I’m totally all for presents that give an experience rather than stuff and a gift of memories is one of the most precious gifts of all. Daughter in law Katie did good, very good (I’m just a bit worried that she has set the bar too high for Christmas now!!).

Meet the birthday girl

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Woot woot! See what I mean about glamorous? You’d certainly never guess they had 4 adult kids, would you?

The Family Photo that started it all

Mum bought with her a photo that they’d had done as a family a few years ago and asked me if I could recreate it now her babies are all grown up. Such a fun idea and we included the original picture in the new one as well!

Family Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

The boys have clearly had a growth spurt since the original!! The original image was on a brilliant white background.  I gave them a version of this image with the same background. But I must confess I prefer the more flattering cream tones of this background.

Of course, there are now two more additions to the family so to update the image properly let’s add in Katie and baby Elsie.

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Look at Elsie, she’s a natural in front of the camera already!

Families within Families

As I give all the edited digital images to the family I made sure that we captured all the combinations. Including the newest little family.

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Back to the Birthday Girl

I had to pose mum with her twin daughters.

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As you can see good looks clearly run in the family.

And when I have grown up sons in the studio I love to have them kiss their mama. It always delights mum and makes the guys squirm a little!

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Look at that grin!

The undisputed star of the Show!

Everybody wanted their photo with Miss Elsie. Mum, Dad, Granny, Grandad, Aunties and even her Uncle! I think the birthday girl was very happy to share the spotlight with this little cutie and as the first grandchild and niece, she is absolutely doted on. And rightly so.

I couldn’t resist finishing up with some photos of her by herself.

Family Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

And just like that, after multiple combinations and lots of fun and laughter, the session was over. Have I mentioned I have the best job in the world?!