Studio Session – Large Family Shoot

Studio Session – Large Family Shoot


Family Photography

Super Size Me

Last Saturday my studio had its biggest challenge to date and the Buchanan Family were more than up for the challenge! 6 Adults, 1 teenager, 3 kids and 1 dog (a pointer-lab cross so not exactly small) descended and apart from a rabbit comment faux pas on my part it went really well 🙂

Leaders of the pack

Family photographer near Stirling

These two lovebirds headed up the family as parents to their two sons and grandparents to their four grandsons. They were super cute together. You could also tell they were close to their sons and their families the way they all interacted together.


Family photographer near Stirling

Their eldest son and his family complete with the newest addition, 3-month-old Lomond the dog!

The teenager, who I referred to as ‘the Teenager’ for the whole session was very patient with his younger brother and cousins. He probably would have rather been anywhere but in my studio but he didn’t show it. He also had the most gorgeous dimples every time he smiled. I didn’t point this out on the day for fear of embarrassing him!

His younger brother had the most amazing eyelashes. I was so jealous, they looked like extensions!

Family photographer near Stirling

For a 3-month-old, Lomond was very well behaved. Definitely put Bert and Ernie my two-year-old Frenchies to shame!

The baby

Family photographer near Stirling

The youngest son and his partner also had two cute sons. I loved their cheeky smiles and banter 🙂

Ready-made friends

Family photographer near Stirling

A cousin is a ready-made friend for life. These dudes are pretty lucky in that respect. And look, there are those dimples again!

But did they all fit?

I know that’s what you really want to know and the answer is…..YES!

Family photographer near Stirling

I reckon we could have got another couple of adults and kids in as well!

All in all, it was a blast, family sessions like this give me life.

Grow with Me

On Sunday I had baby Hugo back in the studio for the third session in his Grow with Me package. I love seeing how much these littles change in their first year and I think it is a great way for parents to document and remember those changes.

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His next session will be his first birthday session with a smash of some sort and then his parents will have the hard job of picking which images from each of the four sessions they will put in the A4 Photobook that comes with this package.

This is what I got back from Hugo’s mum when I sent his latest gallery over,

“Awesome pics yet again Jenny!”

That just makes my heart do happy flips!