Studio Sessions – Three generations and Hugo

Studio Sessions – Three generations and Hugo


Family Photography

“I am a strong women because a strong woman raised me.”

Ever since Samantha gave birth to gorgeous Thea 15 months ago her own Mum has been desperate to get a photo of the three of them. Unable to get a good one by themselves they booked me to capture their three generations of women for them.

Family Photographer near Stirling - JB Moments Photography

I am always really honoured when I get to capture these types of moments as it will be amazing for Thea to look back when she is older at her heritage.

Baby Blues

Thea certainly kept us all on our toes but was easily bribed with Cheerios :-). She had the most amazing blue eyes that mum had emphasised with her pretty blue and white floral dress.

Child Photographer near Stirling - JB Moments Photography

Who run the world (girls)

Any excuse to quote Beyonce (am I right?)

Family Photographer near Stirling - JB Moments Photography

But with this amazing Mum and doting Gran I think Thea will go on to do anything she wants in life – maybe even run the world.

Baby Hugo

Who can forget gorgeous baby Hugo and those immensely kissable cheeks? Well he was in for the second of his Grow with Me sessions now he is 4 months old (I know, where has that 4 months gone?!).

You think they can’t have grown that much in 4 months! As I used my vintage suitcase prop at his newborn session I thought I would use it again at this stage to chart how much he had actually grown…..WOW!

Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

There wasn’t even any room for Ted this time!

I’m going to use the suitcase at all his sessions as I think it will make a cool montage at the end for his mum and dad. But I don’t think he will be in it for any more sessions!

His next session will be around the 8-month-old stage when he can sit up by himself. Then we round off at around one year old when he can stand by himself (or with a little help). I absolutely love it when parents book a Grow with Me package as it means I get to see these little people grow and develop. It was amazing the range of expressions Hugo has now and how much he recognised his mum’s voice. He still let me snuggle him as well so that was an added bonus 🙂

Coming Soon

The next few weeks in the studio are busy busy busy! I have a pet shoot this weekend and more pets in the coming week for family shoots. Then it will be Christmas Mini session madness! This week I am getting to try something new photographing handmade jewellery for a local college. Watch this space…