Studio Session – 5 Month Old Findlay

Studio Session – 5 Month Old Findlay


Studio Session – 5 Month Old Findlay

The Last Before Lockdown

Those of you that read my last blog know that my first week back in the studio has been all about catching up with Grow with Me sessions that are overdue. Master Findlay was my last newborn shoot before lockdown so we were only just over a month late welcoming him back to his 4-month Grow with Me shoot.

RainbowsFamily  Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

Rainbows featured heavily in Findlay’s newborn studio shoot and his mum and dad kept that going with a very cute romper suit this time. I couldn’t resist adding a faint rainbow above them in this image.

Tummy Time

Modelling one of my organic cotton onesies from The Simple Folk, Findlay gave us a masterclass in pushing up whilst on his tummy.

Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

I think he is going to be super strong, just like his daddy!


Speaking of super-strong, dad turned up in his Superman T-shirt and when mum was showing me the clothes she had bought for Findlay she pulled out a Superbaby onesie. I very nearly squealed with delight 🙂 I love it when we get a bit of twinning going on!

Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

I mean, come on, does it get any cuter than that right there? I don’t think so! Talk about the perfect image for dad’s first father’s day. I think you can tell that this image gives me all the feels!!!


If you thought Superbaby was cute, well then wait until you see Findlay’s mugshots! This dude has ALL the expressions going on. I’ve picked out three of my favourites to share with you but I could have shared many, many more.

Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography
Hey camera lady, how you doin’?
Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography
I’m getting fed up with all this modelling now!
Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography
How dare you chuckle at my double chin! You’ve got way more camera lady!

Absolutely priceless, I love these way more than I should. Sorry, not sorry! I can’t wait to see this little dude in the studio for his 8-month Grow with Me session.