Studio Shoot – 21 month old Max

Studio Shoot – 21 month old Max


Studio Shoot – 21-month-old Max

It was supposed to take a year…

When Master Max’s parents bought him into my studio almost two years ago as a newborn baby they signed up for my 12-month Grow with Me plan. Little did they realise that almost 2 years later I’d still be trying to finish it for them! But then none of us knew what was around the corner!

Where’s the cake?

Usually, we end the 4 sessions with a Cake Smash and Splash to celebrate turning 1. Due to all the lockdowns falling just at the wrong times for Master Max we had his first birthday smash for his 3rd session instead.

That face!

Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

Regular visitors to my social media pages will know that I use this image from Max’s newborn shoot a lot. His little grumpy face staring right at me makes me chuckle every single time.

Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

Fast forward almost two years and he can still nail me with that ‘I am not amused face’.

Daddy’s Boy

Mum couldn’t make this final session so it was a lad’s day out.

Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

Complete with a Happy Meal on the way home. These guys know how to have fun and party.

Bossing it

Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

Despite being a curious and confident 21-month old Max was still happy to sit still (briefly) for a few images. I just love his nonchalant pose in this one. Total Boss!

Now for something racey…

I have a shiny red toy sportscar in the studio that is perfect for sessions like this. I kept it hidden under a sheet at first as I knew once Max saw it that would be it. And I was right! He uncovered it and we were off to the races.

Baby Photographer near Falkirk - JB Moments Photography

This is probably my favourite image from Max’s session. I love his expression, his outfit, the colours, everything!

Finally, Max’s Grow with Me Photo Book is being produced at my professional lab. It’s only 9 months late, but, you know what? It’s going to be totally worth the wait.