What a great week! In the Studio and on Location

What a great week! In the Studio and on Location


Studio Update

“Variety’s the very spice of life, that gives it all it’s flavour.” -William Cowper

I love my job!

I know, I know I say that A LOT! But what other jobs would have me shooting Easter bunnies in the studio on Monday, getting all creative at Fife College with the extremely talented jewellery making students on Tuesday, back in the studio cake smashing on Wednesday and at a Photocall at the University of Stirling on Thursday?

Hop to it

My Easter mini sessions in the studio all happened before Easter. But poor Ella was poorly when it was her turn and I couldn’t have her missing out on being an Easter bunny, could I? So I snuck her into the studio on Easter Monday.

Child photographer near Falkirk, JB Moments Photography

How cute is she as a little bunny? VERY! Yet again though I really wish I had a camera pointing at the parents behind me. To get Ella to laugh, her Daddy was standing behind me in bunny ears beatboxing!!! I wish I’d got a shot of that.

Getting to experiment

Fife college wanted something a bit different to showcase the students work. Rather than the usual white high key images. Two of the students (the very brave and beautiful Erica and Jake) agreed to model all the pieces. I got to play in the college’s studios and with their lighting equipment so to say I was like a kid in a candy store would be an understatement! The brief was to display the jewellery unconventionally and everybody joined in the creative process so we created something weird yet also wonderful.

Jewellery Photography at Fife College

This is one of my favourite images. Jake is wearing brooches as knuckle dusters and Erica has various rings on. I think they look FIERCE!

Jewellery Photography at Fife College

And here Jake is wearing a beautiful bracelet in his hair.

Jewellery Photography at Fife College

I just love Erica’s earrings in her hair. Who knows we might have started a new trend!

I had so much fun and I got paid to do it. My job is amazing!

Smashed it!

Back in my studio on Wednesday for lovely Lucy’s cake smash for her first birthday. Her theme was ‘Some bunny is one’ so we had lots of pink, silver and white.

She was a little shy to start off with but soon warmed up and had a smashing time (sorry, not sorry!) and gave her mum, dad and grandma some precious memories to treasure.

1st birthday milestone photographs at JB Moments Photography

I even managed to steal a kiss off those gorgeous cheeks at the end (and yes she tasted of cake – delicious!).

Time for your close up

On Thursday I was back out on location again and on familiar territory at the University of Stirling. I love the jobs I get at the University for two reasons. 1) it is my University and I have a soft spot for the campus and 2) I adore all the Directorate of Internationalisation and Partnerships team. This time I was taking pictures of individuals and small groups who have secured funding through The Stirling Fund.


So there you have it, never a dull moment and plenty of spice! I’m looking forward to next week as well as I have lots of model calls in the studio to test out a new collaboration that I am very excited about. Oh and before that, just the small matter of my newest nephew’s christening where I will, of course, be playing the role of family photographer and Godmother 🙂